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Easy-to-find Sheet Music
Titles - Part 166
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PERCUSSION Sheet Music Titles
- Part 166
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Pelleas & Melisande Suite, Op. 46 - set of parts By Jean Sibelius. For 1 d1, 1 d1, 2, 2 - 2, 0, 0, 0, timpani, percussion, strings. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Schlesinger. Scandinavian Literary: Post-Romantic 20th Century. Composed 1905. Duration 22 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A2050-STP)
Pelleas and Melisande, Op. 5 (Revised version 1920) - full score By Arnold Schoenberg. For 3+1, 3+1, 3+1+eb, 3+1 - 8, 4, 5, 1, timpani, percussion, 2 harp, strings. This edition: full score. Reprint source: Universal Edition. German Literary Mythology/Legends: Post-Romantic 20th Century. Composed 1903/1920. Duration 45 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A6152-FSC)
Pelleas and Melisande, Op. 5 (Revised version 1920) - set of parts By Arnold Schoenberg. For 3+1, 3+1, 3+1+eb, 3+1 - 8, 4, 5, 1, timpani, percussion, 2 harp, strings. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Universal Edition. German Literary Mythology/Legends: Post-Romantic 20th Century. Composed 1903/1920. Duration 45 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A6152-STP)
Pelleas et Melisande - full score By Claude Debussy. For 3 d1, 2+1, 2, 3 - 4, 3, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, 2 harp, strings (, mixed choir. This edition: full score. Reprint source: Durand. French: Impressionist. Composed 1902. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A2292-FSC)
Pelleas et Melisande - set of parts By Claude Debussy. For 3 d1, 2+1, 2, 3 - 4, 3, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, 2 harp, strings (, mixed choir. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Durand. French: Impressionist. Composed 1902. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A2292-STP)
Pelleas et Melisande - vocal score By Claude Debussy. For 3 d1, 2+1, 2, 3 - 4, 3, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, 2 harp, strings (, mixed choir. This edition: vocal score. Reprint source: Durand. French: Impressionist. Composed 1902. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A2292-VSC)
Pelleas et Melisande: Sicilienne, Op. 78 - full score By Gabriel Faure. For 2, 1, 1, 1 - 2, 0, 0, 0, timpani, harp, strings. This edition: full score. Reprint source: Hamelle. French: Romantic. Composed 1893. Duration 4 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A1441-FSC)
Pelleas et Melisande: Sicilienne, Op. 78 - set of parts By Gabriel Faure. For 2, 1, 1, 1 - 2, 0, 0, 0, timpani, harp, strings. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Hamelle. French: Romantic. Composed 1893. Duration 4 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A1441-STP)
Pelleas et Melisande; Suite, Op. 80 - full score By Gabriel Faure. For 2, 2, 2, 2 - 4, 2, 0, 0, timpani, harp, strings. This edition: full score. Study Scores. Reprint source: Hamelle. French: Romantic. Composed 1898. Duration 16 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A1440-FSC)
Pelleas et Melisande; Suite, Op. 80 - set of parts By Gabriel Faure. For 2, 2, 2, 2 - 4, 2, 0, 0, timpani, harp, strings. This edition: set of parts. Study Scores. Reprint source: Hamelle. French: Romantic. Composed 1898. Duration 16 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A1440-STP)
Pelleas et Melisande; Suite, Op. 80 - study score By Gabriel Faure. For 2, 2, 2, 2 - 4, 2, 0, 0, timpani, harp, strings. This edition: study score. Study Scores. Reprint source: Hamelle. French: Romantic. Composed 1898. Duration 16 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A1440-SS)
Penelope: Prelude - full score By Gabriel Faure. For 2+1, 2+1, 2+1, 2 - 4, 2, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, harp, strings. This edition: full score. Reprint source: Heugel. French: Romantic. Composed 1913. Duration 5 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A6752-FSC)
Penelope: Prelude - set of parts By Gabriel Faure. For 2+1, 2+1, 2+1, 2 - 4, 2, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, harp, strings. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Heugel. French: Romantic. Composed 1913. Duration 5 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A6752-STP)
Penitence By Valerie W Stephenson. For Handbells. (3-5 Octaves). Handbell Music. Alfred Handbell Series. 0. Level: Level 4 (grade L4). 8 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (12383)
Pent-Agons for Percussion Five Movements for Five Percussionists. By Robert Washburn. (Percussion). Boosey and Hawkes Chamber Music. Size 9x12 inches. Published by Boosey & Hawkes. (48001420)
Penthesilea - full score By Hugo Wolf. Arranged by Haas, Robert Maria (1886-1960), Editor. For 2+1, 2+1, 2, 3 - 4, 4, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, harp, strings. This edition: full score. Reprint source: Musikwissenschaeftlicher Verlag. German Greek/Roman Mythology/Legends: Post-Romantic. Composed 1885. Duration 35 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A6663-FSC)
Penthesilea - set of parts By Hugo Wolf. Arranged by Haas, Robert Maria (1886-1960), Editor. For 2+1, 2+1, 2, 3 - 4, 4, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, harp, strings. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Musikwissenschaeftlicher Verlag. German Greek/Roman Mythology/Legends: Post-Romantic. Composed 1885. Duration 35 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A6663-STP)
Penthesilea Overture, Op. 31 - full score By Carl Goldmark. For 2 d1, 2, 2, 2 - 4, 2, 3, 1, timpani, strings. This edition: full score. Reprint source: Schott. Hungarian: Romantic. Composed 1879. Duration 18 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A7702-FSC)
Penthesilea Overture, Op. 31 - set of parts By Carl Goldmark. For 2 d1, 2, 2, 2 - 4, 2, 3, 1, timpani, strings. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Schott. Hungarian: Romantic. Composed 1879. Duration 18 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A7702-STP)
People Look East, the Time Is Near By Tammy Waldrop. Handbell 3-5. Level: Level 2+. Handbell sheet. Published by Chorister's Guild. (CGB410)
People of Joy - Handbell Choir By Valerie W Stephenson. Handbell 3-6. Level: Moderately easy. Handbell sheet. Published by American Guild of English Handbell Ringers. (AG36009)
People of Joy - Inst Parts By Valerie W Stephenson. Brass choir. Handbell sheet. Published by American Guild of English Handbell Ringers. (30-1057)
People, Look East Arranged by Lamb. For Handbells. Sacred. Level: L2+. Print Music Solo (2-3 oct.). Published by Hope Publishing Company. (2139)
Per Sonare Trumpet, trombone and percussion, score. By Xavier Darasse. Misc. Size 9.5x12.5 inches. 12 pages. Published by Salabert. (50482522)
Percurama I Traits D' Orchestre. By Various. Arranged by Jean-Claude Tavernier. For Percussion, Piano. Duration 6:00. Published by Billaudot. (544006610)
Percurama Ii Traits D' Orchestre. By Various. Arranged by Jean-Claude Tavernier. For Percussion, Piano. Duration 6:00. Published by Billaudot. (544006620)
Percuria - for Two Percussion Instruments Published by Billaudot. (544008440)
Percussion A Deux By Gilles Carre. For 4 Percussion. Published by Billaudot. (544002180)
Percussion and Rhythm Workshop By Doug Hammond. Published by Advance Music/Bookcase 98 (German import). (13005)
Percussion Assignments for Band and Wind Ensemble Volume 1. Meredith Music. Book only. Size 8.5x11 inches. 178 pages. Published by Meredith Music. (317139)
Percussion Assignments for Band and Wind Ensemble Volume 2. Meredith Music. Book only. Size 8.3x10.8 inches. 350 pages. Published by Meredith Music. (317145)
Percussion Concerto 11x17 Sc By Chen Yi. Published by Theodore Presser Company. (41641207L)
Percussion Concerto By Chen Yi. Full Score - Large. Published by Theodore Presser Company. (416412070)
Percussion Concerto For Percussion and Orchestra. By Joseph Schwantner. (Study Score). Schott. Size 11x17 inches. 75 pages. Published by Helicon. (49012814)
Percussion Concerto, Pf. Reduc By Darius Milhaud. Published by Universal Edition. (UE006453)
Percussion Concerto, Study Sco By Darius Milhaud. Published by Universal Edition. (UE013866)
Percussion Duo (Large size performance score) By Charles Wuorinen. For percussion (1), piano (2 scores needed for performance). This edition: Photoprint Edition. Photoprint editions are made to order. Printed on high quality paper and cover stock, they are made on a Canon digital printer from clean digital masters. Most of the photoprint editions are saddle stitched, but larger books have wire spiral binding. Duration 14'. Published by C.F. Peters. (P66820a)
Percussion Duo By Charles Wuorinen. For percussion (1), piano (2 scores needed for performance). Duration 14'. Published by C.F. Peters. (P66820)
Percussion Duos By Hermann Regner, Werner Stadler, Rudolf Schingerlin. Schott. Size 9x12 inches. 40 pages. Published by Schott. (49000688)
Percussion Ensemble Collection 4 Ensembles for 6 Players. By Harold Farberman. Percussion - Ensemble. Percussion Performance Series. 0. Level: Elementary (grade I). 28 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (EL03854)
Percussion Ensemble Collection 4 Ensembles for 6 Players. By Harold Farberman. Percussion - Ensemble. Percussion Performance Series. 0. Level: Elementary Plus (grade II). 44 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (EL03855)
Percussion Ensemble Techniques By Steve Grimo, Bob Snider. Meredith Music. Book & Cassette Package. Size 9.5x12.8 inches. 138 pages. Published by Meredith Music. (317111)
Percussion Ensembles for Young Performers: Snare Drum, Bass Drum, & Accessories By John Kinyon. Percussion - Ensemble. Ensembles for Young Performers. 0. 16 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (780)
Percussion For Five By Carroll M. Butts. Ensemble. Percussion ensemble. Composed 1971. Published by C.L. Barnhouse. (121-0162-00)
Percussion for Musicians By Robert McCormick. Percussion - Miscellaneous Educational Books and Manuals. 0. 124 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (EL02852)
Percussion Instruments By `Prunk Petr - `Prunk Jaroslav. Czech title: Bici nastroje (vaeobecny popis, notace a technika hry). Published by Praha (Czech import). (H416)
Percussion Piece By Peterson. Percussion Sextet. Level: Grade 2. Published by Kendor Music Inc. (20040)
Percussion Quartet By Charles Wuorinen. For percussion (4). Four scores are needed for performance. Duration ca.18'. Published by C.F. Peters. (P67576)
Percussion Quartet By Charles Wuorinen. For percussion (4). Duration ca. 18'. Published by C.F. Peters. (P67576A)
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