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Totentanz, G. 126 (1st version, ed. Busoni) - solo part By Franz Liszt. For 3 d1, 2, 2, 2 - 2, 2, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, strings, solo piano in score. This edition: solo part. Reprint source: Breitkopf & Hartel. Hungarian Halloween: Romantic. Composed 1849. Duration 17 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A2633-SP)
Totentanz, G. 126 (final version) - full score By Franz Liszt. For 2+1, 2, 2, 2 - 2, 2, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, strings, solo piano. This edition: full score. Reprint source: F. Hungarian: Romantic. Composed 1859. Duration 16 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A1641-FSC)
Totentanz, G. 126 (final version) - set of parts By Franz Liszt. For 2+1, 2, 2, 2 - 2, 2, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, strings, solo piano. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: F. Hungarian: Romantic. Composed 1859. Duration 16 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A1641-STP)
Totentanz, G. 126 (final version) - solo part By Franz Liszt. For 2+1, 2, 2, 2 - 2, 2, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, strings, solo piano. This edition: solo part. Reprint source: F. Hungarian: Romantic. Composed 1859. Duration 16 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A1641-SP)
Toucher By Globokar. For Percussion. Duration 10'. Published by C.F. Peters. (P08286)
Toujours ou Jamais Waltz - set of parts By Emile Waldteufel. Arranged by Borch, Gaston (1871-1926), Transcriber. For 1, 1, 2, 1 - 2, 2, 1, 0, timpani, percussion, strings. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Fischer (Carl). French: Romantic. Composed 1878. Duration 5 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A6839-STP)
Tour und Retour, Polka Francaise, Op. 125 - set of parts By Eduard Strauss. For 1+1, 2, 2, 2 - 4, 2, 3, 0, timpani, percussion, harp, strings score not available. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Schreiber. Viennese: Romantic. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A5965-STP)
Tourmaline Drum Solo (el03901) By Haskell W. Harr. Edited by Thom Proctor. Instrumental-solo/ensemble. 0. 4 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (FDS00187)
Tout-Paris Waltz, Op. 240 - set of parts By Emile Waldteufel. For 2+1, 2, 2, 2 - 4, 2, 3, 1, percussion, strings score not available. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Cranz, A. French: Romantic. Composed 1889. Duration 8 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A2256-STP)
Toward a New Life (V Novy Zivot), Op.35c - full score By Josef Suk. For 3 d1, 2, 2, 2 - 4, 3, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, strings, mixed choir. This edition: full score. Reprint source: Statni Nakladatelstvi. Czech: Post-Romantic. Composed 1920. Duration 6 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A5373-FSC)
Toward a New Life (V Novy Zivot), Op.35c - set of parts By Josef Suk. For 3 d1, 2, 2, 2 - 4, 3, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, strings, mixed choir. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Statni Nakladatelstvi. Czech: Post-Romantic. Composed 1920. Duration 6 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A5373-STP)
Towers By Cathy Moklebust. Handbell 3-5. Level: Level 3+. Handbell sheet. Published by American Guild of English Handbell Ringers. (AG35178)
Toy (Children's) Symphony in C, Op. 62 - full score By Romberg, Bernhard Heinrich (1767-1841). For trumpet, percussion, toy instruments, 2 violins, bass, [piano]. This edition: full score. Reprint source: Breitkopf & Hartel. Children's German: Romantic. Duration 8 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A1934-FSC)
Toy (Children's) Symphony in C, Op. 62 - set of parts By Romberg, Bernhard Heinrich (1767-1841). For trumpet, percussion, toy instruments, 2 violins, bass, [piano]. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Breitkopf & Hartel. Children's German: Romantic. Duration 8 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A1934-STP)
Toy Drum Early Elementary Level. By Ann Robinson. Willis. Size 9x12 inches. 2 pages. Published by Willis Music. (414858)
Toy Symphony, Hob.II: 47 [attributed] - full score By Franz Joseph Haydn. For trumpet, drum, cuckoo, nightingale, rattle, triangle, 2 violins, bass. This edition: full score. Reprint source: Augener. German Children's: Classical. Composed c1786. Duration 9 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A1580-FSC)
Toy Symphony, Hob.II: 47 [attributed] - set of parts By Franz Joseph Haydn. For trumpet, drum, cuckoo, nightingale, rattle, triangle, 2 violins, bass. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Augener. German Children's: Classical. Composed c1786. Duration 9 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A1580-STP)
Traditional Afro-Cuban Concepts in Contemporary Music By Arturo Rodriguez. For Percussion. Methods. Interact & Learn. Latin American. Level: Beginning-Intermediate. Book/CD Set. Size 9x11.75. 152 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. (98081BCD)
Traditional Approach to New Orleans Drumming, (Take It to the Street) Take It to the Street. By Stanton Moore. DVD. Published by Carl Fischer. (DVD15)
Traditional Jazz Series: The Condon Gang: Adventures in New York & Chicago Jazz For Drums. Contains a custom-engraved music score featuring drum charts with drum legend; and a concert lead sheet for each song;, printed on high-quality ivory paper; and a digital stereo compact disc containing complete versions of each song, and a second compact disc featuring accompaniments minus soloist, plus -20% slow-tempo versions of five up-tempo songs. Published by Music Minus One. (MMOCD5008)
Traeumgebilde Walzer, Op. 170 - set of parts By Eduard Strauss. For 1+1, 1, 1+d, 2 - 4, 2, 3, 0, timpani, percussion, harp, strings score not available. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Spina. Viennese: Romantic. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A5967-STP)
Tragic Overture, B. 16a - full score By Antonin Dvorak. For 2+1, 2+1, 2, 2 - 4, 2, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, harp, strings. This edition: full score. Reprint source: Simrock. Czech: Romantic. Composed 1870. Duration 10 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A7186-FSC)
Tragic Overture, B. 16a - set of parts By Antonin Dvorak. For 2+1, 2+1, 2, 2 - 4, 2, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, harp, strings. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Simrock. Czech: Romantic. Composed 1870. Duration 10 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A7186-STP)
Tragische Ouverture, Op. 81 - full score By Johannes Brahms. For 2+1, 2, 2, 2 - 4, 2, 3, 1, timpani, strings. This edition: full score. Reprint source: Breitkopf & Hartel. German: Romantic. Composed 1881. Duration 13 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A1353-FSC)
Tragische Ouverture, Op. 81 - set of parts By Johannes Brahms. For 2+1, 2, 2, 2 - 4, 2, 3, 1, timpani, strings. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Breitkopf & Hartel. German: Romantic. Composed 1881. Duration 13 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A1353-STP)
Trampin' Arranged by Martha Lynn Thompson. For Handbells. (3-4 Octaves). Handbell Music. Alfred Handbell Series. 0. Level: Level 2 (grade L2). 8 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (21857)
Tranquility Murray Houllif. For Mallet/Marimba/Xylophone Solo. Level: 5. Published by Ludwig Music Publishing. (S-16B82)
Transaktionen Walzer, Op. 184 - set of parts By Josef Strauss. For 1+1, 2, 1+d, 2 - 4, 2, 1, 0, timpani, percussion, harp, piano conductor score in set, strings. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Spina. Viennese. Composed 1865. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A6709-STP)
Transfiguration By Michael R Keller. Handbell 5-7. Level: Difficult. Handbell sheet. Published by American Guild of English Handbell Ringers. (AG57002)
Transformaticisims By Phillip Mikula. For Percussion Quintet. Level: intermediate-advanced. Published by HoneyRock. (HRPE032)
Transitions A Comprehensive Independence Play-Along System. By Russ Miller. For Drum Set. Percussion - Drum Set Method or Collection. 0. Book & CD. 148 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (0418B)
Traps - The Drum Wonder The Life of Buddy Rich Hardcover. Book (not sheet music). Size 6x9.25 inches. 233 pages. Published by Rebeats Press. (330337)
Trashin' the Camp (Percussion Feature) By Phil Collins. Arranged by Will Rapp. Percussion. Size 6.7x10.5 inches. Published by Hal Leonard. (3744559)
Trasumanar By Biscardi. For percussion (12), piano. Duration ca.15'. Published by C.F. Peters. (P67492)
Trauergesang op. 116 By Felix Mendelssohn. For percussion. Full score. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (4016100)
Trauermarsch (E-flat minor), D. 819/5 [arrangement] - full score By Franz Schubert. Arranged by Franz Liszt. For 2, 2, 2, 2 - 4, 2, 3, 1, timpani, strings. This edition: full score. Reprint source: Fuerstner. German Funerals: Romantic. Composed 1824. Duration 4 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A7974-FSC)
Trauermarsch (E-flat minor), D. 819/5 [arrangement] - set of parts By Franz Schubert. Arranged by Franz Liszt. For 2, 2, 2, 2 - 4, 2, 3, 1, timpani, strings. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Fuerstner. German Funerals: Romantic. Composed 1824. Duration 4 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A7974-STP)
Traumbilder-Fantasie - full score By Lumbye, Hans Christian (1810-1874). For 3, 1, 2, 1 - 2, 2, 2, 1, timpani, percussion, zither, strings. This edition: full score. Reprint source: Breitkopf & Hartel. Scandinavian: Romantic. Duration 5 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A5525-FSC)
Traumbilder-Fantasie - set of parts By Lumbye, Hans Christian (1810-1874). For 3, 1, 2, 1 - 2, 2, 2, 1, timpani, percussion, zither, strings. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Breitkopf & Hartel. Scandinavian: Romantic. Duration 5 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A5525-STP)
Traumerei By Robert Schumann. Arranged by William J. Schinstine. For Percussion ensemble. Level: Grade 3. Published by Southern Music Company. (ST453)
Traummechanik (1967) By Nicolaus A. Huber. For Drums, Piano. Playing Score. Published by Baerenreiter-Ausgaben (German import). (BA6144)
Traveling Through Time Giovanni Hidalgo and Horacio "El Negro" Hernandez. For Drum. Percussion - Drum DVD. 0. Latin. DVD. Published by Alfred Publishing. (906863)
Tre Danske Peblin Geviser Three Danish Street Songs - full score By Riisager, Knudage (1897-1974). For 2+1, 2 d1, 2 deb, 2 d1 - 4, 3, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, strings. This edition: full score. Reprint source: Samfundet/Dania. Scandinavian: 20th Century. Composed 1937. Duration 8 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A7040-FSC)
Tre Danske Peblin Geviser Three Danish Street Songs - set of parts By Riisager, Knudage (1897-1974). For 2+1, 2 d1, 2 deb, 2 d1 - 4, 3, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, strings. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Samfundet/Dania. Scandinavian: 20th Century. Composed 1937. Duration 8 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A7040-STP)
Treasury of Scales for Band and Orchestra By Leonard B. Smith. For Percussion. Band Supplement. 0. Book. 8 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (EL01897)
Tres Danzas Espanolas [arrangement] - full score By Enrique Granados. Arranged by Lamote De Grignon, Juan (1872-1949). For 2+1, 2 d1, 2+1, 2 - 4, 2, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, harp, strings. This edition: full score. Reprint source: Union Musical Espanola. Spanish: Impressionist Post-Romantic. Composed 1890. Duration 13 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A1581-FSC)
Tres Danzas Espanolas [arrangement] - set of parts By Enrique Granados. Arranged by Lamote De Grignon, Juan (1872-1949). For 2+1, 2 d1, 2+1, 2 - 4, 2, 3, 1, timpani, percussion, harp, strings. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Union Musical Espanola. Spanish: Impressionist Post-Romantic. Composed 1890. Duration 13 minutes. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A1581-STP)
Treuliebchen, Polka Francaise, Op. 152 - set of parts By Eduard Strauss. For 1+1, 2, 2, 2 - 4, 2, 3, 0, timpani, percussion, strings score not available. This edition: set of parts. Reprint source: Spina. Viennese: Romantic. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A5968-STP)
Triade By Heinrich Konietzny. For Xylophone, Vibraphone, Marimba and 3 Cymbal. A battere. Special Import item. The price for this item includes a Special Import fee of $8.00. Score (also Performance Score). 18 pages. Published by Schott Musik International. (49000687)
Trial And Triumph By Michael R Keller. Handbell 5-7. Level: Level 5. Handbell sheet. Published by American Guild of English Handbell Ringers. (AG57008J)
Trial by Jury (Original Version) - full score By Gilbert and Sullivan. For 2, 1, 2, 1 - 2, 2, 2, 0, percussion, strings (, mixed choir. This edition: full score. Reprint source: Chappell. English: Romantic. Composed 1875. Published by Edwin F. Kalmus. (A5339-FSC)
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