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Easy-to-find Sheet Music
for TROMBONE Titles  -   Part 21

Sheet Music can be difficult to find, even if you know exactly what you want. Publishers
and distributors change their names and individual pieces of music go in and out of
print, depending on sales.

Sheet Music Titles and composers' names can often be spelled in different ways,
either by accident, or because there is no standard way of converting from another
language to English.

Publishers don't have a consistent way of categorizing music, so searches on different
databases produce incomplete and inconsistent results. So much for the bad news.

The good news is that I have collected over 300,000 of the most popular titles in all categories,
divided them by instrument (such as violin, guitar, vocal, etc.), and then arranged the titles in
alphabetical order. This makes it easier for you to find them, using a search engine or by
browsing the titles. Each piece links directly to a store where you can place an order if you wish.

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Links to TROMBONE Sheet Music Titles    -   Part 21

Most titles are linked to a picture of the item, together with further details and price. Note that there
are often
discounts if you buy 2 or more of one item. Check the details after you click on the link to be sure. Secure online ordering is available, as is speedy shipping to anywhere in the world.

Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me By Ellington, Russell. Arranged by Niehaus. For 2 trumpets, french horn (trombone), trombone and tuba. Brass Quintet. Level: Grade 3. Published by Kendor Music Inc. (18744)
Dobbin, Dobbin By Traditional. Arranged by Ken Langer. For Trombone Quartet. Published by Cimarron Music Press. (522)
Domine Deus By Antonio Vivaldi. Brass Ensemble. For 2 trumpets, horn, trombone & tuba. Level: 7. Score and parts. Published by Editions Marc Reift (Swiss import). (EMR 5064)
Domine exaudi orationem meam 4 By Selle. For trombone. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (509109)
Domine, Dona Nobis Pacem By Frigyes Hidas. For trombone and organ. Level: 6. Score and parts. Published by Editions Marc Reift (Swiss import). (EMR 338)
Domine, labia mea aperies By Heinrich Schutz. For trombone 1. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (2027131)
Domine, labia mea aperies By Heinrich Schutz. For trombone 2. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (2027132)
Domini est terra By Heinrich Schutz. For trombone 1. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (2047641)
Domini est terra By Heinrich Schutz. For trombone 2. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (2047642)
Domini est terra By Heinrich Schutz. For trombone 3. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (2047643)
Domini est terra By Heinrich Schutz. For trombone 4. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (2047644)
Don Giovannis Hollenfahrt/Tuba Solo By Jan Koetsier. Brass Ensemble. For 4 trumpets, horn, 4 trombones & tuba. Level: 7. Score and parts. Published by Editions Marc Reift (Swiss import). (EMR 5277)
Don Quichote Rhapsody By Jean-Francois Michel. Brass Ensemble. For 4 trumpets, horn, 4 trombones & tuba. Level: 7. Score and parts. Published by Editions Marc Reift (Swiss import). (EMR 598)
Don Quichottisen By Jan Koetsier. Brass Ensemble. For 2 trumpets, horn, trombone & tuba. Level: 9. Score and parts. Published by Editions Marc Reift (Swiss import). (EMR 5172)
Dona Nobis Pacem By J.Wadowick/D.Mccathren. Solo for Trombone. Level: 3. Published by David E. Smith Publications. (139110)
Donauwellen-Walzer By Ivanovici / Zettler. For brass quartet (2 trumpets, 2 trombones). Published by Uetz Music (German import). (BU 4058)
Donnybrook - Trombone Quartets With Score Solo Ensemble (Rubank). Size 9x12 inches. 14 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. (4479714)
Doodles:Exercises For Mastering Jazz Trombone By Dale Cheal. For jazz trombone. Book with Example CD. Published by Jamey Aebersold Jazz. (DOOD)
Doppel- und Dreifachzunge By Slokar / Reift. For trombone. Instructional Methods; Etudes. Level: 4-8. Instructional method. Published by Editions Marc Reift (Swiss import). (EMR 107)
Doppelch!rige Canzonen altitalienischer Meister f!r Blechbl0ser (Posaunenchor) 3 Kompositionen von Vecchi, Bramieri und Croce. Einrichtungen des Herausgebers. Edited by Saretzki, Karl-Heinz. For Brass. B0renreiter-Blasmusik. Playing Score. Published by Baerenreiter-Ausgaben (German import). (BA6697)
DO-Quintett (1978) By Theodore Antoniou. For Trumpet (2), Horn, Trombone, Tuba. Playing Score. Published by Baerenreiter-Ausgaben (German import). (BA7055)
Double and Triple Tonguing Attaque Binaire et Ternaire = Doppel-und Dreifachzunge. By Slokar / Reift. For trumpet, cornet, horn in Eb, trombone, euphonium, or bass (Eb or Bb). Instructional Methods; Etudes. Level: 4-8. Instructional method. Published by Editions Marc Reift (Swiss import). (EMR 163)
Down The Middle To Worthy By Gordon Goodwin. Level: Medium - Difficult. Little big band chart (scored for A, T, B, 2 Trumpets, 1 Trombone & Rhythm unless otherwise indicated). Published by Walrus Music Publishing. (60027)
Downtown Diversions (extra full score) By Adam Gorb. For Trombone / Wind Ensemble (35 players) 2+1, 2, 4+1+Eb, 2+1 - AATBt sx - 4, 3, 3+eph, 1 - perc (4), cb. Living Composer, 20th Century. Extra full score. Published by Masters Music Publications Inc. (C0060-EXFSC)
Downtown Diversions (score and set) By Adam Gorb. For Trombone / Wind Ensemble (35 players):, 2+1, 2, 4+1+Eb, 2+1 - AATBt sx - 4, 3, 3+eph, 1 - perc (4), cb. Concerto/Instr Solo, Original Works. Maecenas Millenium. Reprinted from Maecenas. Living Composer, 20th Century, English. Score and set. Composed 2001. Duration 18 minutes. Published by Maecenas. (C00---SCANDSET)
Dozen Plus One ( + 1) Arranged by Elwyn Wienandt. For 2 Trombones. Level: Grade 2. Published by Southern Music Company. (ST890)
Dramatique By Edward Solomon. For Bass trombone. Approved contest/festival piece for the University Interscholastic League. Level: Grade 3. Published by Southern Music Company. (ST128)
Dream Sequence 1 By Daniel Asia. For trombone. Duration 12:00. Published by Theodore Presser Company. (144402540)
Dream By S. Konagaya. For 4 trombones. Level: 7. Score and parts. Published by Editions Marc Reift (Swiss import). (EMR 435)
Drei Canzonas By Giovanni Battista Riccio. For Trumpet, Trombone, Basso Continuo. This edition: paperback. 32 pages. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (German import). (MR-1939)
Drei Equale WoO 30 By Ludwig van Beethoven. For 4 trombones. This edition: paperback. Breitkopf Kammermusik-Bibliothek. 10 pages. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (German import). (KM-1555)
Drei Lieder By Johann Sebastian Bach. Brass Ensemble. For 4 trumpets, 2 horns (or 2 trombones), 2 trombones, tuba. Level: 5. Score and parts. Published by Editions Marc Reift (Swiss import). (EMR 5426)
Drei Pastelle By Reinhard Raue. For alto trombone and organ. Level: 8. Score and parts. Published by Editions Marc Reift (Swiss import). (EMR 2136)
Drei Satze fur 3 Blechblaser By Hermann Regner (1928-). For 2 Trumpets, Trombone (2 Flugelhorns, Euphonium / Baritone Horn). Level: Intermediate. Score with parts. Published by Thomi-Berg (German import). (SKG 4)
Drei Spirituals - Trombone/Organ By Traditional (Arranged By Kalke). For trombone and organ. Published by Uetz Music (German import). (BU 1314)
Drei Stucke By Paul Dessau. For 2 trumpets, trombone. This edition: paperback. Deutscher Verlag fuer Musik. 10 pages. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (German import). (DV-8335)
Drei Weihnachtschorale By Praetorius / Kuhlo. Brass Ensemble. For 4 trumpets, 2 horns (or horn and trombone), 2 trombones, tuba. Level: 4. Score and parts. Published by Editions Marc Reift (Swiss import). (EMR 5386)
Drei Weihnachtssuiten Kap By Schlenker. For brass quartet (2 trumpets, 2 trombones). Published by Uetz Music (German import). (BU 4086a)
Drei Weihnachtssuiten By Schlenker. For brass quartet (2 trumpets, 2 trombones). Published by Uetz Music (German import). (BU 4086)
Du meine Seele, singe Choralkantate. Posaunenchor (4-5stimmig). By Walter Rein. For Brass. Werkreihe f!r Bl0ser und S0nger. Brass / Wind Score. Published by Baerenreiter-Ausgaben (German import). (BA2631 51)
Duet Fun, Bk. 1 Arranged by Himie Voxman/ R.P. Block. For 2 Trombones. Level: Grade 2. Published by Southern Music Company. (B476)
Duet Fun, Bk. 2 Arranged by Himie Voxman/ R.P. Block. For 2 Trombones. Level: Grade 2. Published by Southern Music Company. (B477)
Duets for Horn and Trombone Score and Parts. By Vaclav Nelhybel. (Trombone). Brass. Size 9x12 inches. 8 pages. Published by E.c. Kerby. (50480916)
Duets For Trombone Students Level I By Fred Weber, Acton Ostling. Edited by Thom Proctor. Instrumental method/supplement (Trombone). 0. Level: 1. 16 pages. Published by Belwin. (BIC00160A)

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