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Easy-to-find Sheet Music
Titles - Part 18
Music can be difficult to find, even if
you know exactly what you want. Publishers
and distributors change their names and individual pieces of music go in
and out of
print, depending on sales.
Sheet Music Titles
and composers' names can often be spelled in
different ways,
either by accident, or because there is no standard way of converting
from another
language to English.
don't have a consistent way of categorizing music, so searches on
databases produce incomplete and inconsistent results. So much for the
bad news.
The good news is
that I have collected over 300,000 of the most popular titles in all
divided them by instrument (such as violin, guitar, vocal, etc.), and
then arranged the titles in
alphabetical order. This makes it easier for you to find them, using a
search engine or by
browsing the titles. Each piece links directly to a store where you can
place an order if you wish.
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Links to
TRUMPET Sheet Music Titles
- Part 18
titles are linked
to a picture of the item, together with further details and price. Note
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Echoes Of Willow Grove By Bellstedt. For Trumpet. Level: Grade 5. Published by Southern Music Company. (SS99)
Echos champetres By Viney. Trompette et orchestre. For batterie fanfare. Orchestral Music. Trompes de chasse seules. Level: very easy (grade 1). Published by Editions Robert Martin (French import). (7554)
Echos du Languedoc By Viney. Trompette et orchestre. For batterie fanfare. Orchestral Music. Level: very easy (grade 1). Published by Editions Robert Martin (French import). (7557)
Ecnamor (romance) By David Uber. For Trumpet. Level: Grade 4. Published by Southern Music Company. (ST572)
Edwards-Hovey Method for Cornet or Trumpet By Austyn R. Edwards and Nilo W. Hovey. For Trumpet. Brass - B-Flat Cornet (Trumpet) Method or Collection. 0. Book. 48 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (EL00077)
Edwards-Hovey Method for Cornet or Trumpet By Austyn R. Edwards and Nilo W. Hovey. For Trumpet. Brass - B-Flat Cornet (Trumpet) Method or Collection. 0. Book. 48 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (EL00102)
Effective Etudes For Jazz - Trumpet (Cd Only) Compact Disc. Published by Kendor Music Inc. (20705)
Effective Etudes For Jazz - Trumpet By Carubia, Jarvis. Jazz Improvisation Method. Published by Kendor Music Inc. (20695)
Ei, du feiner Reiter (1951) 5 Variationen f!r Blasinstrumente. Trp I/II in B. By Hans F. Micheelsen. For Trumpet (2). B0renreiter-Blasmusik. Single Part. Published by Baerenreiter-Ausgaben (German import). (BA2623 52)
Eiffel Tower Polka Score and Parts. By Francis Poulenc. (Trumpet). Brass Solo. Book only. Size 8.25x11.75 inches. 8 pages. Published by Salabert. (50411960)
Eight ( 8) Short Duos By David Uber. For Brass Duet. Level: Grade 5. Trumpet. Published by Southern Music Company. (ST257)
Eight Profiles For Solo Trumpet. By Fisher Tull. (Trumpet). Boosey and Hawkes Chamber Music. Size 8.5x11 inches. 22 pages. Published by Boosey & Hawkes. (48001020)
Einblasubungen Warm-ups = Mise en train. By Uwe Komischke. For trumpet or cornet. Instructional Methods; Etudes. Level: 6. Instructional method. Published by Editions Marc Reift (Swiss import). (EMR 125H)
Einspielubung Wam-ups = Mise en train. By Marc Reift. For cornet, trumpet, horn in Eb, euphonium, or bass (Eb or Bb). Instructional Methods; Etudes. Level: 3-6. Instructional method. Published by Editions Marc Reift (Swiss import). (EMR 104)
Elegant Wedding Instrumental Classics for Trumpet with CD Songbook and accompaniment CD for trumpet. Published by Santorella Publications. (SP.JT53CD)
Elegy Woody James. For Trumpet/Cornet Solo (Also Sometimes Baritone T.C.). Level: 3. Duration 6:00. Published by Ludwig Music Publishing. (S-5A18)
Elementar-Technik Vol. 1 Elementary Etudes, Vol. 1 = Technique Elementaire, Vol. 1. By Hans Liebmann. For trumpet, cornet, horn in Eb, euphonium, or bass (Eb or Bb). Instructional Methods; Etudes. Level: 4-8. Instructional method. Published by Editions Marc Reift (Swiss import). (EMR 118A)
Elementar-Technik Vol. 2 Elementary Etudes, Vol. 2 = Technique Elementaire, Vol. 2. By Hans Liebmann. For trumpet, cornet, horn in Eb, euphonium, or bass (Eb or Bb). Instructional Methods; Etudes. Level: 4-8. Instructional method. Published by Editions Marc Reift (Swiss import). (EMR 118B)
Elementary Fingering Chart - Cornet/Trumpet Trumpet. Res. Published by Heritage Music Press. (PP264)
Elementary Studies for the Trumpet By Herbert L. Clarke. For Trumpet. Published by Carl Fischer. (O2279)
Elena Polka By Will H. Kiefer. Ensemble. Trumpet duet. Composed 1936. Published by C.L. Barnhouse. (092-0001-24)
Elena Polka By Will H. Kiefer. Ensemble. Trumpet trio. Composed 1936. Published by C.L. Barnhouse. (100-0001-24)
Elf Choralvorspiele By Gottfried August Homilius. For trumpet. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (1307132)
Embouchure Builder By Lowell Little. Edited by Thom Proctor. Instrumental method/supplement (Trumpet). 0. 20 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (PROBK00129)
Emerald Concerto & Other Gems The Trumpet Masterclass. Performed by Allen Vizzutti. By Allen Vizzutti. De Haske Play-along Book. Play Along. BOOK W/CD. Size 9x12 inches. 44 pages. Published by De Haske Publications. (44003647)
Encore Pieces For Brass Quintet - Trumpet I Houston Publishing. Size 8.5x11 inches. Published by Hal Leonard. (30078)
Encore Polka E. W. Smith/Clifford P. Barnes. For Trumpet/Cornet Solo (Also Sometimes Baritone T.C.). Level: 3. Published by Ludwig Music Publishing. (10510105)
Encore! Another Night at the Opera: Opera Arias for Trumpet and Orchestra, vol. II For Trumpet in B-flat. Contains a custom-engraved solo part, printed on high-quality ivory paper; and a digital stereo compact disc containing complete versions of each song, and a second recording of the accompaniments minus soloist. Published by Music Minus One. (MMOCD3848)
Engrenages By Jerome Naulais. Ensemble. For trumpet. Instrumental Music. Level: medium-advanced (grade 5). Published by Editions Robert Martin (French import). (3850)
Ensemble Music for Church and School Arranged by Wesley Hanson. For Trumpet. Sacred. Print Music Collection (Book 2 - 1st B-flat Trumpet). Published by Hope Publishing Company. (636)
Ensemble Music for Church and School Arranged by Wesley Hanson. For Trumpet. Sacred. Print Music Collection (Book 3 - Part 2 - 2nd B-flat Trumpet). Published by Hope Publishing Company. (638)
Ensemble Music for Church and School Arranged by Wesley Hanson. For Trumpet. Sacred. Print Music Collection (Book 4 - Part 3 - 3rd B-flat Trumpet). Published by Hope Publishing Company. (641)
Ensembles Sound Spectac #2 By Various. Arranged by Joseph Compello. For Trumpet, French Horn, Baritone. Published by Carl Fischer. (O5378)
Ensembles Sound Spectacular #1 By Andrew Balent. For Trumpet, French Horn, Baritone. Published by Carl Fischer. (O5288)
Epiclesis Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra. By James Macmillan. (Study Score). Boosey and Hawkes Scores and Books. Size 8.25x11.75 inches. 106 pages. Published by Boosey & Hawkes. (48012179)
Episode By David Walters. For Trumpet. Level: Grade 4. Published by Southern Music Company. (SS902)
Equali For Three Trumpets By Rodney Polson. For Trumpet Trio. Solo and Ensemble Music. FEMA Editions. Concert and Contest. Published by Wingert-Jones Publications. (9050521)
Er rufet seinen Schafen mit Namen Kantate zum 3. Pfingsttag. By Johann Sebastian Bach. Edited by D!Rr, Alfred. For Alto recorder (f,g) (3), Trumpet (2). Wind Parts. BWV 175. Published by Baerenreiter-Ausgaben (German import). (BA10175 65)
Erstes Trompetenspiel By Willy Schneider. For 1-3 Trumpets. Special Import item. The price for this item includes a Special Import fee of $8.00. Performance Score. 32 pages. Published by Schott Musik International. (49005241)
Essay for Six Trumpets By Rob Roy Mcgregor. For Trumpet Sextet. Published by Carl Fischer/Balquhidder Music. (BQ6)
Essential Elements 2000, Book 1 - Bb Trumpet (Comprehensive Band Method) Written by Charles Menghini, Don Bierschenk, John Higgins, Paul Lavender, Tim Lautzenheiser, Tom C. Rhodes. Instructional book and accompaniment CD for Bb trumpet. With introductory text, instructional text and performance notes. 48 pages. Published by Hal Leonard Corporation. (HL.862575)
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