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Easy-to-find Sheet Music
for VIOLIN Titles  -   Part 53

Sheet Music can be difficult to find, even if you know exactly what you want. Publishers
and distributors change their names and individual pieces of music go in and out of
print, depending on sales.

Sheet Music Titles and composers' names can often be spelled in different ways,
either by accident, or because there is no standard way of converting from another
language to English.

Publishers don't have a consistent way of categorizing music, so searches on different
databases produce incomplete and inconsistent results. So much for the bad news.

The good news is that I have collected over 300,000 of the most popular titles in all categories,
divided them by instrument (such as violin, guitar, vocal, etc.), and then arranged the titles in
alphabetical order. This makes it easier for you to find them, using a search engine or by
browsing the titles. Each piece links directly to a store where you can place an order if you wish.

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type all or part of your search phrase and click OK. By repeatedly clicking OK you
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you should be taken to the item you wish to buy.

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Links to VIOLIN Sheet Music Titles    -   Part 53

Most titles are linked to a picture of the item, together with further details and price. Note that there
are often
discounts if you buy 2 or more of one item. Check the details after you click on the link to be sure. Secure online ordering is available, as is speedy shipping to anywhere in the world.

Herr, nun la!t du deinen Diener By Johann Hermann Schein. For violin 2. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (513412)
Herr, tue meine Lippen auf By Christian Ludwig Boxberg. For violin 1. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (1031411)
Herr, tue meine Lippen auf By Christian Ludwig Boxberg. For violin 2. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (1031412)
Herr, unser Herrscher By Heinrich Schutz. For violin 1. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (2044911)
Herr, unser Herrscher By Heinrich Schutz. For violin 2. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (2044913)
Herr, unser Herrscher By Heinrich Schutz. For violin 2. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (2044912)
Herr, wende dich und sei mir gnadig By Johann Christian Bach. For violin 1. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (3050411)
Herr, wende dich und sei mir By Johann Christian Bach. For violin 2. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (3050412)
Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe By Johann Rosenmuller. For violin 1. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (506911)
Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe By Johann Rosenmuller. For violin 2. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (506912)
Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe By Pohle. For violin 1. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (1019811)
Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe By Pohle. For violin 2. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (1019812)
Herr, wie du willt By Johann Sebastian Bach. For violin 1. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (3107311)
Herr, wie du willt By Johann Sebastian Bach. For violin 2. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (3107312)
Herr, wo soll ich hingehen By Selle. For violin 1. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (508711)
Herr, wo soll ich hingehen By Selle. For violin 2. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (508712)
Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben Kantate zum Fest Mariae Heimsuchung. By Johann Sebastian Bach. Edited by Wolf, Uwe. For Violin 1. Single Part. BWV 147. Published by Baerenreiter-Ausgaben (German import). (BA10147 74)
Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben Kantate zum Fest Mariae Heimsuchung. By Johann Sebastian Bach. Edited by Wolf, Uwe. For Violin 2. Single Part. BWV 147. Published by Baerenreiter-Ausgaben (German import). (BA10147 75)
Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben By Johann Sebastian Bach. For violin 1. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (3114711)
Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben By Johann Sebastian Bach. For violin 2. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (3114712)
Herzlich lieb hab ich dich By Andreas Hammerschmidt. For violin 1. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (507911)
Herzlich lieb hab ich dich By Andreas Hammerschmidt. For violin 2. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (507912)
Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr Geistliches Konzert Nr. 8 aus "Symphoniae sacrae II" f!r Solostimme und Instrumente. Der Partitur liegen die Instrumentalstimmen bei. By Sch!Tz, Heinrich. Edited by Werner Bittinger. For Alto solo, Violin (2), Basso continuo. Score; Set of Parts. SWV 348. Published by Baerenreiter-Ausgaben (German import). (BA1724)
Herzlich tut mich verlangen By Georg Philipp Telemann. For violin 1. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (3910811)
Herzlich tut mich verlangen By Georg Philipp Telemann. For violin 2. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (3910812)
He's The Savior Of My Soul By Rich Heffler. Solo for Violin. Level: 4. Published by Washington Music Ministries. (W29114VN)
Heut singt die werte Christenheit By Krieger. For violin 1. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (1028811)
Heut singt die werte Christenheit By Krieger. For violin 2. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (1028812)
Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn Osterkantate. By Dietrich Buxtehude. Edited by Traugott Fedtke. For Violin 1. Single Part. BuxWV 43. Published by Baerenreiter-Ausgaben (German import). (BA1736 74)
Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn Osterkantate. By Dietrich Buxtehude. Edited by Traugott Fedtke. For Violin 2. Single Part. BuxWV 43. Published by Baerenreiter-Ausgaben (German import). (BA1736 75)
High Life Dance Album No. 1 By G. E. Holmes. Orcestra Book/Folio (Concert). 2nd Violin book. Composed 1904. Published by C.L. Barnhouse. (074-6033-61AR)
High Life Dance Album No. 3 By Edward Hazel. Orcestra Book/Folio (Concert). 2nd Violin book. Composed 1910. Published by C.L. Barnhouse. (074-6035-61AR)
High Tech for Strings By Doris Gazda. For Violin. Published by Carl Fischer. (O5473)
Higher Ground By Rich Heffler. Solo for Violin. Level: 5. Published by Washington Music Ministries. (W29113VN)
Highland Heather - Violin Solo By Edmund J. Siennicki. Orchestral Collection/Ensemble. Level: Grade 2. Music Book. Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company. (S5051)
Highland/Etling Violin Quartet Series: Set 1 Arranged by Edmund J. Siennicki. For Violin. String - Violin Quartet. 0. 16 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (12548)
Highland/Etling Violin Quartet Series: Set 1 Arranged by Edmund J. Siennicki. For Violin. String - Violin Quartet. 0. Score. 64 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (12548S)
Highland/Etling Violin Quartet Series: Set 2 Arranged by Merle J. Isaac. For Violin. String - Violin Quartet. 0. Published by Alfred Publishing. (12552)
Highland/Etling Violin Quartet Series: Set 2 Arranged by Merle J. Isaac. For Violin. String - Violin Quartet. 0. Score. 72 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (12552S)
Highland/Etling Violin Quartet Series: Set 3 Arranged by Margaret Sanfilippo. For Violin. String - Violin Quartet. 0. Published by Alfred Publishing. (12556)
Highland/Etling Violin Quartet Series: Set 3 Arranged by Margaret Sanfilippo. For Violin. String - Violin Quartet. 0. Score. 52 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (12556S)
Highland/Etling Violin Quartet Series: Set 5 Arranged by Merle J. Isaac. For Violin. String - Violin Quartet. 0. Published by Alfred Publishing. (12564)
Highland/Etling Violin Quartet Series: Set 5 Arranged by Merle J. Isaac. For Violin. String - Violin Quartet. 0. Score. 80 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (12564S)
Himmelfahrts-Oratorium By Johann Sebastian Bach. For violin 1. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (3101111)
Himmelfahrts-Oratorium By Johann Sebastian Bach. For violin 2. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (3101112)
Himmelskonig, sei willkommen By Johann Sebastian Bach. For Violin solo. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (3118211)
Himmelskonig, sei willkommen By Johann Sebastian Bach. For violin. Published by Carus Verlag (German import). (3118212)
Hindson, M/Violin Concerto (Violin 0. Published by Faber Music. (12-057156643X)
His Eye Is On The Sparrow By Edward Burckart. Solo for Violin. Level: 5. Published by David E. Smith Publications. (161134)
Hits for Two (Violin) Violin. By Various. Instrumental Folio. Softcover with CD. Size 9x12 inches. 24 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. (841599)
Hohmann-Wohlfahrt Beginning Method For Violin Vol2 String. Size 9x12 inches. 56 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. (4472520)
Hokum: Theory and Scales for Fiddle Tunes and Fiddle Improvisation By Leon Grizzard. For fiddle. Theory & harmony. Fiddle Tunes. Level: Beginning. Book. Size 8.5x11. 120 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. (98057)
Holberg Suite By Edvard Grieg. Violin 1 part. Published by C.F. Peters. (P01931-Vn1)
Holberg Suite By Edvard Grieg. Violin 2 part. Published by C.F. Peters. (P01931-Vn2)
Holiday Hits Violin Play-Along Volume 6. By Various. Violin Play-Along. Play Along. Softcover with CD. Size 9x12 inches. 16 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. (842157)
Holidays Extraordinaire!-Violin By Deborah Monday. Edited by Janice Mcallister. Orchestral Collection/Ensemble. Holidays Extraordinaire!. Level: Grade 1. Music Book. Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company. (113VN)
Holy, Holy, Holy By Robert M. Ewing. Solo for Violin. Level: 1. Published by David E. Smith Publications. (161117)
Home Concert (Revised) By Dr. Shinichi Suzuki. For Violin Part. String - (Suzuki) Supplementary. 0. Book. 32 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (0306S)
Home On The Range - Violin Solo By Forrest Buchtel. Orchestral Collection/Ensemble. Level: Grade 2.5. Music Book. Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company. (S5013)

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